Preventing Surgical Site Infections

A surgical site infection (SSI), is an infection that occurs after surgery at the incision site that was made during your procedure. Most patients who have surgery do not develop an infection. However, infections develop in 3% of patients who have surgery. The physicians and staff of Advanced Surgery Center want you to be an informed patient and help us prevent surgical site infection. Please review the following information to help you become more knowledgeable about your care and recovery.

Physicians & Staff

Preventative actions taken by the staff/physicians at Advanced Surgery Center

  • Hands and arms, up to the elbows, are cleaned with an antiseptic agent just before surgery.
  • Before and after the care of each patient, hands are cleaned with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Electric clippers are utilized instead of razors to remove any hair if needed prior to surgery.
  • Hair covers, masks, gowns and gloves are worn to help keep the area clean.
  • Special soap is utilized to clean the surgical site.
  • If needed a pre-operative antibiotic may be given prior to your surgical procedure.


Actions patients can take to help prevent surgical site infections

Before Surgery

  • Tell your physician about other medical problems you may have. Heath issues such as diabetes, allergies, and obesity could affect your surgery and after treatment.
  • Quit smoking or reduce your consumption. Persons who smoke have a higher incidence of infections.
  • Please shower or take a bath the night prior to surgery and the day of with an antiseptic soap.

After Surgery

  • Make sure your healthcare providers clean their hands before examining you.
  • Family and friends who visit you should not touch your surgical site/wound or your dressing.
  • Family/friends should clean their hands before and after visiting.
  • Before your discharge your doctor or nurse will explain everything, you need to know about taking care of your wound/site before you leave the Center. Be sure you read and understanding your discharge instructions.
  • Always clean your hands when you come in contact with your wound or dressing.
  • Before you go home make sure you know who to contact if you have questions or problems when you get home.
  • If you have any symptoms of infection, such as redness and pain at the surgery site, drainage f cloudy fluid from the site, or a fever, call you doctor immediately.
  • If you have any questions you can contact the Center at 313-582-7777.

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